Wednesday 14 March 2012

Flash - a-ah - saviour of the universe!

Down at MCC again yesterday to climb with Danny. After the usual warm up routine, lead a 5+, 6a, and then onto a 7a. Not the best warm up I've ever done, feeling pretty boxed by the 4th clip. I then proceeded to take a few falls. This was the first time I'd climbed with Danny and it's always good to know your belayer has got you.

For the next few routes I eased it off, onsighting a new 6b which has just been put up.  MCC have recently started turning over routes at a rapid pace. This is really good as you don't get board but it also gives you a little bit of a kick up the arse to get your projects done!

Danny had a go at a new 7a; on his return to the ground he said what a really good route it was so I had a crack. Two thirds of the way up I hadn't fallen off, one more move to go and a jug to shake out on. Clipping from the wrong position, locked off with the left hand, I couldn't make the move and was off. After that I got the rest to the top.  Despite being tired from Monday's session I was still climbing OK and nearly got the flash! Not the saviour of the universe but, I feel like I'm improving. Did a few more routes and then called it a day as my elbows were starting to give me some real pain. Did a few more routes and then called it a day as my elbows were starting to give me some real pain.

Being more critical, I'm still over gripping and I need to think more about my breathing. I'm holding my breath too much; this feeds in to me over gripping as I'm getting all tense. I also need to practice on some easier climbs, or my warm ups, really getting my body position in the right place to made the most of a hold.

I think I've finally got over the mental barrier about 7a which I mentioned previously. I'm sure there are many out there who don't understand what that is, as they have just got on with it (the way it's supposed to be done), but I'm also sure there are just as many who have this same feeling. Either way, if you want to climb 7a (or any other grade) then get out there and try one! Don't worry if you fall off, keep working it, figuring out the moves and it will come.

Another aspect which I'm getting more used to is falling. I'm going to write a post about this later this week (Saturday) as it's a really important part of your climbing to train, which most people (me included) don't integrate enough into their training!

Climbing again today with Steve, going to attempt to repeat Mondays session, fingers crossed I'm not too tired!

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