Tuesday 24 September 2013

It's been awhile...

To be more precise 9 weeks and 3 days. Bugger! No climbing and most things seemed to have fallen by the waste side. PhD's take over your life. Everyone I know who is either doing one, or who has done one, says the same thing. At some point it consumes you, and not in a good way. You become cynical, start to hate the sight of a computer, you have no idea what it's like to spend time in 'the real world' and start to develop a drink problem. Maybe that's just me but it sucks. It'll soon be done though and then you'll all have to call me Dr. Sanders, Mwa-ha-ha-haaaa!

Sacked the gym off, it just takes too much time to get there. So I'm using this opportunity (every cloud has a silver lining right?) to get my fingers back up to strength.  Got my finger board up and got a little plan together. Going to try and get to the wall once every one or two weeks. I can use this as a bit of a progress indicator. Training on a finger board is great but it doesn't always translate into climbing ability, specificity dictates that your training should be representative of what your goal is. So training on a finger board alone, with no climbing, will result mainly in being good at finger boarding. Hopefully though my previous experience will return and I'll come back with strong fingers. Watch this space. Maybe for once I'll start training at the right time and get strong over the winter.  Aiming to submit in December so should bring me in just at the right time.  I've learnt a lot from following a gym based program and hopefully I can transfer some of that to climbing related training.  When I get a spare half an hour I'll try to post about it.

On a totally separate note, and certainly a more positive one, my girlfriend Hannah has been nominated for a North West blogger Award. You can access here blog and vote here.

I'm afraid that's all I have time for at the moment but I hope to get a few more posts up over the next few weeks, I've got to have something to look forward to!